Monday, August 31, 2009

Just some things on my mind....

Welp, Here i am again to get somethings off my mind. Had some werid dream last night, it actually scared me! I'm startin to get tired of people and their drama.. It's like they are better then everyone else, :NEWSFLASH: I have my own problems to deal with yours arent as important to me as mine are...After i deal with mine i'll check out yours kay thanks!! Another thing that bothers me is when you put the effort out there to be friends with someone and they act like your nothing Grrr.... Im EXCITED my vacay starts september the 5th and last through the 13th YAY!!! Hopefully gonna go see my friend cory we might go to the smokies a day or two...We might also be going to telladega race for lonnies birthday, compliments of his momma!!After work today im going to mandy H house to hang with her and see my "god niece" Zoey!! I love that little girl!! Lifes been good, glad we both have good jobs and are doing okay financial!! We pay off lonnies van next month, Happy about that!! My kallie pups is gettin so big...pheonix is still hiding at the house lol so seems all is in order until next blog

2 fingers & peace